For me, designing a landscape or garden is like a language. I use the information I gather from researching the site to 'translate' the client's wishes into a new design. The genius loci, or spirit of the place, is the guiding factor for me when creating concepts. This leads to an authenticity and a certain naturalness. The resulting landscape or garden must fit like a tailor-made suit in which I have shaped the style, features and forms into a story, a harmonious whole. My passion for plants and my knowledge of them are the eggs I try to lay in each project.
For me, designing a landscape or garden is like a language
The power lines of the new environment form a stage for the poetry of the garden: the falling light, moments in time, the sound of the leaves, the seasons with their changing colours and scents, and so on. So many elements are constantly at work in the garden. Therefore, the landscape or garden should be designed to be captivating every day of the year.
The most exciting part of landscape architecture is the 'unexpected'. A garden is not a 'thing', it is an ongoing 'process'. Creating and maintaining a garden is a search for the seductive yet delicate balance between the ephemeral and the timeless.
With my garden and landscape designs I pursue what it originally was: garden art.
STEF VANBILSEN I junior landschapsarchitect
2024 Summer summit leadership in the arts
2023 Schakeljaar Stedenbouw en ruimtelijke planning, UA, Antwerpen
2020-2023 Opleiding Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur, KASK, Gent
Blikveld award voor afstudeerproject Antitankgracht
2015-2020 Beeldende en architecturale vorming, PIKOH, Hasselt